Boho Stars

Cherry Heart Boutique: Boho Stars Cape

Cut a dash in this striking star capelet, keep the Boho vibe with strong colours
or chose subtle shades for a calmer look… 

Pattern Description
This pattern is for a caplet made up of star motifs in combination with rows worked back and forth. The border is added afterwards in the round.  Includes: A full pattern with clearly written directions, US stitch names listed for reference, photo tutorials for special stitches and JAYG Diagrams to help with construction.
UK Terms
~ Crochet chart ~ 

Skill Level
Simple stitches used, experience with JAYG would be useful although help is included.

Bergere de France Ideal
1 x Elephant (20547),  1 x Balladone (22375),  1 x Danseuse (23026),  1 x Citonnier (23040),  1 x Persan (24257),  1 x Pavot (24408),  1 x Gernille (24866),  1 x Calanque (24872),  1 x Emeraude (27303),  1 x Meije (51253)

Hook | 3.5mm (E USA)
Notions | Yarn needle Stitch markers Button - optional

Size: 116 x 38 cm (46 x 15“) - unblocked
Gauge | 1 Star: 6cm (2.5”) point to opposite point
‘V’ stitch pattern: 21 stitches (7 ’V’s) x 11 rows in a 10cm (4”) swatch

Pattern Link


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Boho Stars Cape - front detail Boho Stars Cape as worn, front view Boho Stars Cape as worn, back view

Click on an image to enlarge